
Saturday, September 19, 2009

My baby is 6 now :o)

Yep, I can't believe how quickly time goes by. Michelle turned 6 on the 7th of this month and as I mentioned in the last post, the last few weeks we were busy planning a fun party. We decided since Angel didn't really get a party for her birthday back in April, we would celebrate her 1/2 birthday at the same time, so we did a Mother/Daughter tea party.

Now, mind you, our living area is not very big, and after inviting friends for both girls, we were looking at almost 30 girls and moms coming. So, since the weather here is awesome this time of year, we had an outdoor party. It would have been really cool if we had some sort of gazebo or tent to set up, but we don't, but we do have a really large garage, and with a little ingenuity and a lot of sheets, we were able to spiff the place up a bit. As usual, I had a lot of fun making invitations and decorations for the party. Angel put her jewelry making talent to work and made little goodies for everyone. I'll post more pictures and details about the craft projects over on my craft website. Here's a couple of pictures of the party.

This first one shows me reading parts of Proverbs 31 to the girls and talking about manners. I didn't want to post this one, but it was the best one to show the garage and how we decorated it.

Here are some of the guests working on their fans and picture frames. (Which reminds me I've got to get the pictures printed and get those back to the girls! YIKES!)

Here's a picture of the food table. Several of Angel's friends stayed over the night before and helped decorate and make the food. They were a TREMENDOUS help! I definitely couldn't have done all this without them. :o)

This, of course, is the cake. Yes, everything is edible--including the teapot, cup, saucer, and spoon. I've really been having fun with fondant lately. I wish the painting on them would have come out better, but I don't have petal dust and had to use food coloring which doesn't blend very well. You can see a close up of these on my craft blog.

And finally, here's some of the Birthday girls. Angel turned 15 in April and can't wait to get her driver's permit soon. She's wearing the dress she made for herself last month. Didn't she do a good job?

And, Birthday Girl #2. We put her hair up in rag rolls the night before. We can't do that in the winter time as the static gets too bad and her hair ends up in a million little knots. Anyway, as you can see, she's lost tooth #2 recently so now she has a big gap on the bottom.

We actually had two parties that day. Our church was having their annual Progressive Dinner and we were the first stop on the route. Since the garage was already cleared out and set up with tables and chairs, it worked out perfectly. After the girl's party, Angel helped me clean up and get the appetizers in the oven for the church party. We even had an hour or so to rest in the afternoon. The Progressive Dinner was a lot of fun. It was neat to see other people's houses and visit with everyone in a relaxed atmosphere.

I guess I should close this here. I have a few other projects we're working on, but I will save those for next week's post. Till then...

God's love and blessings!

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