
Monday, January 16, 2012

Misc. Monday-Nerf war!

So Michelle and I thought it would be a fun idea to get Mike a couple of Nerf guns for Christmas for the two of them to play with. I'm not sure exactly where my common sense was when we made this decision, but the decision was made, and the guns were bought. The guns sat in their package for several days after Christmas without being used. Finally, one afternoon while Mike was at work, Michelle got the guns out, set up some barricades in the office, and left one gun, some ammunition and a note stating that they were at war, by the door. There was a ton of giggling going on all afternoon as she waited anxiously for him to arrive. Needless to say, when he did get home there was total chaos in the house. :o) I had to finally call a truce for dinner. We were trying to have a family game night that night since Nick would be heading back to OK soon, but those guns kept coming out from under the table and around corners and nerf darts were flying everywhere while we tried to play cards. I have to say it was one of the funnest nights we've had in a while. :o)

A day or so later, Nick took Mike out for his birthday and they picked up a couple more guns, only these two were semi-automatic--less reloading of ammo. This time I was determined to get some pictures of the fun. Here's a couple I took from my fortress in the bathroom.

Nick's hideout was in the office.

Mike, with his semi-automatic, took over the living room.

Michelle had her headquarters in my bedroom. Please don't shoot the unarmed civilians!
While I was a bit worried about something getting broke in the house during these wars, the only casualties were the nerf darts that Layla found and shredded. :o)

How about you? Did you get anything fun for Christmas? What kind of family games do you like to play? I better close this here. Till next time...God's love and blessings!

1 comment:

nichole said...

My kids were given marshmallow guns for Christmas. They had a blast shooting marshmallows at everyone around and Mattaniah ran around as fast as he could eating all the marshmallows. I am still finding hardened marshmallows in places around the house. :P