
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good bye 2011

Can you believe it? 2011 will be over in a couple of hours! Where did it go? Since our church service was canceled tonight due to a snow storm, I thought I'd use the time to do an end of year update here on the blog, but I don't want to spend my last few hours of the year doing this, so I'm going to try and make it quick. In fact, I think I'll just post our Christmas letter since it pretty much summed up our year and it's already thought out. This was the front of our cards. I'm having fun playing with my camera. :o)

Merry Christmas!
     Hello there. This time of year always seems to drive my family crazy. Everyone is always busy with something. There's paper and ribbons everywhere, the kitchen has been smelling especially nice and they put a tree in the living room again. They won't let me near it though. :o(
     Anyway, I thought I'd take a minute and let you know what's going on around here since everyone else is so busy. I've heard the family talking about Nick coming home soon to visit. I can't wait. there's always interesting things on his floor for me to check out. They also keep talking about Angel driving a long way every day. Something about a cosmetology school starting in January. I have no idea what that is, or when that is for that matter, but it seems like she will be pretty busy for a while. 
     Daddy still leaves almost every day which makes me sad, but I love when he comes home and we get to play together. Except a couple of weeks ago when he brought HER home. They call her Layla, boy does she get in trouble a lot. She still doesn't know not to "go" on the carpet. Sheesh, I learned that a long time ago. Oh well, although she can be annoying, I guess she's OK. We do have fun chasing each other around the house. :o)
     Michelle and Mommy and I spend most of our days together. I love to snuggle in Mommy's lap when she reads books to Michelle and I'm great at helping her clean the floor while she's baking those yummy cakes.
     Oh, I almost forgot about Princess. I don't see her much since she spends most of her time out in the garage. Mom tries to get her to come in, but she told me she prefers to be outside. I don't think the mice or chipmunks like her out there though. 
     Well, that's what we've been up to. How about you and your family? We'd love to hear from you and you can see some more pictures of us if you check out Mom's blog I guess I better go, Layla just took off with my sock!

     Lots of love,

Coco sporting his Christmas scarf and Lalya in her pretty bow. 

Princess wasn't too happy about having her picture taken. 
Well, the letter says to check out this blog for more pictures, so I guess I should post a few. I'm afraid I've not been very good at taking candid shots, in fact, I didn't even get the camera out on Christmas day so I don't have many to choose from.

Angel sang a solo with her choir class at the Mall of America. I didn't get any pictures of Michelle's piano recital that night, but I did take a video that I may post later.

I tried to get a picture of all my "kids" together. That didn't work out. It started with the big kids making faces and ended with the dogs fighting over who was going to get to be in whose lap. This is the best shot. Sigh. At least the kids are all smiling.

Michelle had to get out a sled a bit, even if we don't have much snow yet this year. Although, looking out the window right now, it seems that has changed. I guess it's a good thing church was canceled this evening. I think we're going to wake up to a white 2012. I better go make sure the camera is charged for the morning. :o)

Till next year...God's love and blessings!

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