
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tasty Tuesday-Guest post

It's Tasty Tuesday here and I have two "firsts" for you today. I have ventured into the world of vlogging (video blogging) and today I have the first ever vlog for this blog. :o) Actually, I didn't make this cute little video, so there you have the other "first" for today--a guest blogger, or I guess I should say vlogger.

So, without further ado here's our first ever vlog.

I was quite surprised after going back to the kitchen to get my hot chocolate to find Michelle with the camera making this little video. Too funny!

I saw some ghost marshmallows made on another blog and although I didn't want to do ghosts, I thought this would be a cute way to make someone smile. How can you not smile when your marshmallows are smiling at you. I simply used food writers to draw the faces and plopped them into her mug. Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy.

Well, I'd like to thank my guest vlogger for today. Great job, Michelle. It's time for us to do spelling, and it's pretty much impossible for me to help her with that and type at the same time so, I better close this here.

Till next time...God's love and blessings!

1 comment:

nichole said...

She is soooo cute! I love it! Sounds like she was meant to do video blogs.