
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday's Walk-A Visitor

These are some pictures I took of a visitor to our yard a couple of weeks ago. Coco kept up this annoying bark, and when I stepped out to get him to come in and be quiet, I noticed what I thought was a sweater or something Michelle left in the yard. She has a habit of leaving the house dressed warm and coming in stripped down. I quickly realized it was not a piece of clothing, but this little guy.

 I guess he's not really so little, is he? Coco didn't know what to think of this guy (girl?) He's so used to the animals running away from him when he comes barking them, but this thing didn't move. We had to keep Coco in the house for a bit so the poor little guy could go on his merry way in peace.

Michelle enjoyed watching him. She would come in the house every few minutes and give me updates as to his movements. He eventually disappeared down the creek bank. We're not sure where he was heading, but it would be pretty cool if "he" turned out to be a "she" and she laid her eggs along our creek bank somewhere close by. Looks like we may have to do some research on what time of year they lay eggs and when they hatch.

I think Michelle's quiet reading time is almost over, so I better close this here. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to post some pictures of laundry room renovation.

Till next time...God's love and blessings!

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