
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Journaling with Michelle

Well, hello there! Thanks for stopping by. It's been a while hasn't it? It would probably be even longer except my dear daughter told me I needed to get on here and update this. She has a journal she has to do for school work, and I'm always reminding her of how much she will enjoy going back and reading that journal later on. She turned that around and used it on me. :o) We decided that while she is working on her journal, I have to work on mine, so, here I am. My posts will have to be short, 'cause she doesn't spend much time on hers, but at least I'll be getting on here regularly--I hope.

So, what have we been up to? Playing in snow. Yep, we still have snow, lots and lots of snow. It has started to melt, and Michelle enjoys playing in the creek now that it's flowing.

New rain boots.

I realize it doesn't look like we still have lots of snow in these pictures. They were taken at the beginning of April when the snow was just starting to melt, however, we've had several late snow showers.

That same area looks like this today.

What's on our agenda for today? School work, house cleaning and laundry. I'm not looking forward to that last one. We seem to have a dead rodent somewhere in the laundry room, but can't find him. He must be in the walls or under the water pump or softener. Either way, we can't get to him so there's not much we can do about it. Definitely not a pleasant smell and I've been avoiding that room for a couple of days. I can't avoid it any longer. Mt. Washmore is getting quite large and I'm sure my sweet hubby would appreciate clean socks to wear to work tomorrow. Maybe it will get warm enough to open the window?!? I can hope, can't I?

I will leave you with one last look at my silly girl. Love this outfit. Some of the snow was too deep and mushy for her new boots (and I think she was actually walking IN the creek), so she put on mine. She didn't want to change from the dress she was wearing and couldn't find her leggings, so she found a really LONG pair of socks to help keep her legs warm. Too funny!

Well, I'm off to the laundry room. Wonder if we have any nose plugs around here somewhere?

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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