
Friday, June 20, 2014

Garden love

Sigh, I love this time of year. Actually, I love all the different seasons here, but right now, I love this one. It always amazes me how quickly things green up here. One week we have a foot of snow on the ground and a couple weeks later, everything is green and blooming. Here's a shot from my hammock at the beginning of May:

And here it is today. Simply amazing how all those leaves just pop out of those branches so quickly.

We've had an amazing amount of rain this year. Our creek hasn't quit flowing yet. Every time it gets down to a trickle we get a couple more inches of rain and it starts flowing strong again. Pretty cool to listen to at night.

This is the dock at our little lake here in town. Yep, that's a bit higher than usual.

All this rain has made my garden really fill out nicely. My dad gave me the cute little boy and girl figures in this photo for Christmas. We set these up just before everyone arrived for our son's wedding at the end of May. Mike cut the stumps for me based on my measurements.

Apparently, I didn't measure very well. I moved the flower pot from the middle stump and stacked the short one on top so the girl wasn't completely hidden in the peonies. Good thing we've got plenty of downed trees on the property so he can cut me some new, taller ones later.

Aren't they cute though?

Here's my bed from the deck 2 weeks ago:

And here it is now.

I love how the flowers are filling in. Most of these are perennials we found around the property and transplanted here or were given to us from friends. The columbines I found in the woods as tiny little things got huge this year! The peonies have lots of flower buds that are just beginning to bloom. My lilies should be blooming sometime next week, I think, and they also have a lot of buds on them. And, my favorite, the daisies are beginning to bloom. :o) It's a hodge-podge of flowers, but I love it.

I thought I'd share these cool tulips I planted last fall. Love the coloring on them.

What about you? Do you have any garden projects in the works? I'll have to get out and get some photos of the veggie patch to share. We tried a few new things up there and they seem to be working well. Hoping we didn't get things planted too late in the year to be able to harvest before the first frosts come, though.

I actually have a rather free afternoon so I think I will get some of the crafting done I've been wanting to do, but haven't had time for.

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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