
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Keeping my Resolutions!

Well, here I am keeping my resolution to post here every Thursday. So far, so good! :o) So, what have the Hendersons been up to this past week? Not a whole lot. With Mike not working, church and school are the main activities around here. Speaking of work, Mike has an interview on Monday, and he received an email last night from another company about scheduling an interview. WOO HOO! He's also been busy making sure the military is getting all his paperwork finalized. Some of the jobs he wants to apply for he could get VA benefits for if he had his "retired" paperwork in hand.

We're also waiting for Nick to get in a bank statement so he can go get a driver's license. I know that sounds silly, but he needs 2 different things to prove that he's a WI resident and so far, none of the things we've tried have worked, to include the notarized copy of the bank statement (he was getting an electronic copy). It's all very frustrating, especially since the DMV is a bit of a drive for us. Anyway, as soon as that comes in, he can go get a permit, and hopefully, since he's been driving for several years, he will only need the permit for a little while before they'll let him take the test. In the meantime, Mike or I will need to drive him to college (about an hour or so from here) and hang out till he's done. That's a LONG time to wait around. Maybe I'll find out what the library is like there and spend some time reading.

Right now, Angel has gone to help her Grandma at Meals on Wheels. Grandma fills in in the kitchen when someone else can't so Angel went in today to give her a hand. I pray that this will be a growing experience for her.

Here's a couple of pictures of the girls (and Mike) ice skating in the corral. There's a low spot that collects water that has now frozen pretty well. These pictures are actually a few weeks old, but I just got them on my computer. :o)

Michelle did pretty good considering she didn't have the bar that she's used to using, and even though he didn't put his ice skates on, Mike still found a way to play on the ice.

As for my other resolution to read a chapter of the Bible each day, I am also keeping that. I've read the first 8 chapters of Matthew, and one thing that keeps coming up is the thought of repenting of your sins and how it really means so much more than simply saying "I'm sorry". It means to radically and deliberately turn from your sin which would result in moral and ethical changes in your life. In other words, if you are truly sorry, and repent of what you've done wrong, there will be change in your behavior as well. What kind of "fruit" am I producing? That has been my question for the week.

Well, Angel and Grandma just pulled in the drive, so I'm going to go see how the day went. Till next week...
God's love and blessings

1 comment:

The Johansen Family said...

You did it! You blogged on a Thursday!! Keep it up girl. I'm so glad your family is coming to our church (yours too!). Michelle is precious and I love being her teacher. Love your pics on the blog too. See you Wednesday Tammy, Laura