
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Through the house Thursday-Michelle's room

It's been a crazy few days, but I have a couple of minutes to sit down and thought I'd share some of the progress we've made in Michelle's room. If you remember this post,you know that we had to rip out a wall and repaint due to a mold issue. We did get the walls all painted, and she's all moved back in, but I'm still working on the decorative mural. I just haven't been in a painting kind of mood, so it keeps getting put on the bottom of the to-do list. Hopefully I'll get it done soon.

Here's a couple of shots of the only finished part. I turned her light switch into a bird house. She picked out the type of butterfly she wanted me to paint.

Here she was pretending to hold the lady bug on her hand, but I didn't notice the butterfly antennae on her head until the picture was on the computer. :o)

That's a quick look at our house this week. Hopefully next week I'll have some pictures of our newly painted a organized laundry room. :o) Just need to make a few tweaks here and there and snap some pictures in the daylight. 
How about you? What new things are going on in your life? Have you got some unfinished projects? I'm going to do my best to get this one done soon so I can check it off the list. (I LOVE checking things off the to-do list :o)

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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