
Monday, July 30, 2012

PAD Jounral 7/30/12

Michelle and I have been busy today trying to get most of this week's worth of house cleaning done all today so we can play for the rest of the week. We picked berries, harvested and weeded the veggie patch first thing this morning before it got too hot out. We enjoyed a nice picnic lunch outside and then got to work inside. I have a little bit to do in the kitchen this evening, and some clean up in the office, but otherwise, the house is all cleaned up. :o) I have several craft projects I've been wanting to work on, so I'm excited to have the free time this week to do it.
Do you remember this pretty fella from yesterday's post? It turns out that he is a black swallowtail butterfly. And guess what I found crawling up one of my chives this morning?
This is a black swallowtail caterpillar. We did take a break from housework to do a little research and find out what kind of yummy treats he would eat. Black swallowtails like carrot tops, parsley and dill, all three of which I had in the garden. So we cleaned out the bug box, snipped some yummy goodies, found a couple of sticks and made a new home for our friend.
You see that orange thing on top of his head? That's his osmeterium. Apparently he pokes it out when he is threatened and it emits a foul odor. It must not be a very pungent odor because we never smelled it. He hasn't eaten much of his leaves, and he's been pretty still for the evening. According to our research, he's either getting ready to molt or pupate. Either one should be pretty cool to see.

Well, seems like this was a pretty productive day; got some yard work done, got some house work done, and snuck some learning in there too. ;o) Hopefully tomorrow I will get some of my craft projects checked off the To Do list.

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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