
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Corn Maze

After swim lessons on Saturday we went with our friends out to a corn maze. It was pretty intricate, with several mazes to choose from. The mommies took the little girls off to the easier maze while the daddies took the bigger kids to the larger one.

These three always make me laugh with their matching shirts and braids. They reminded me of the hare in the tortoise and hare story. They took off running, but we didn't get half way through before they were tired, hot and bored. The maze had a fun game similar to clue that you could play by finding all the check points and eliminating suspects, weapons and places. Unfortunately, because we didn't finish the maze, we never did find out who kidnapped the farmer. :o)
Once outside the maze though, the girls seemed to have found their energy again and had fun playing the various games available. They had a bean bag toss, potato sack races, tug-o-war, hay bales to jump off of, and this neat little puzzle. It looks like she's flying over the ropes here, but she was just in the middle of jumping over them. This was before they read the instructions and found out they were supposed to tie a rope on their waist, attach the rope's clip to one of these ropes and weave their way under and over to the other side. 
Angel tagged along with us for this trip, but I didn't get any shots of her in the maze since she went with daddy. She did, however enjoy playing with Amanda the calf at the petting zoo. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, Angel or Amanda.
She looks like she's very happy with the scratching she's getting. :o)
As I type this I'm amazed at the difference a week can make. Last Saturday as we went through this, it was 77 outside and we were hot and thirsty. Right now, I look and we have snow in the forecast for next Saturday! Hopefully we'll get a few more warmer days, as I still have lots of outdoor things I hope to get done before the cold stuff really hits.

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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