
Monday, February 18, 2013

Family update

Well now, hello there. How nice of you to visit my little blog. It would probably be nice if I visited it once in a while and kept it updated wouldn't it? Ah well, such is life. Sometimes it is better to live life rather than blog about it. And then, sometimes things happen in life that you just can't blog about and since those things seems to be the overwhelming stuff of life right then, there doesn't seem to be much else to write about.

Anyway, I am back (for now). My sweet hubby is at a meeting tonight, and since I have no cakes to work on and the house work is done, I thought I might drop in here and post a little update on life. My last post was back in October and after looking at my photos I realize a lot has happened in the past few months.

We had quite a bit of transitioning going on here in the home. Our son, Nick moved back home after his time in the Air Force and our daughter, Angel finished her cosmetology school and moved out. Talk about mixed emotions going on.

The highlight of November was a visit from my sister's family for Thanksgiving. We had such a good time. I really do wish they lived closer. I think my sis and I spent the first 5 days of their visit in the kitchen though, so this photo sums up the week for us. I forgot to put the camera on auto focus when I handed it to Michelle. Oops. Oh well, it may be blurry, but it's one of my favorites.

We had a bit of a snowstorm come in the last night they were visiting so the kids had to get out and play in it a bit.

Here we are just before they left. We had to goof around a bit so I wouldn't cry. I always cry. :o(

December, of course brought Christmas and all it's fun traditions. We added a new one this year. Michelle often looks over my shoulder while I'm browsing Pinterest and she was always intrigued by the Elf on a Shelf ideas posted there. I couldn't see paying $30 for a stuffed elf, so we made one. We don't do the Santa/elf thing here, but it was a bit of fun to make believe that Emma, our Christmas friend was getting into mischief at night. Michelle loved looking for her each morning and coming up with ideas for her. Maybe next year I will have time to post her adventures, but for this year I'll just post a couple of our favorites.

She's in the fridge eating MY chocolate!

"Making" gingersnaps.

Technically this one would be December, and I don't have any photos, but Angel's long-time boyfriend proposed to her on New Year's Eve. So, now we are planning a wedding in September. I think this is going to be a VERY busy year.

I didn't take very many photos in January. In fact, except to take photos of cakes, I haven't had my camera out much at all. I think I need to remedy that. I love looking back and reminiscing, but that's hard to do when you don't have photos to reminisce over in the first place.

I did get a few of the birds outside my office window. I think they're called redpolls, but I'm not sure. They definitely like thistle though. Which reminds me, I better get the feeder filled up tomorrow.

Speaking of my office window. I will leave you with this photo of our Layla. She has learned to jump on the patio chair and tap on the window when she wants to come in. This is how she always looks when she comes in now, our little black snowball. :o) Too cute for words.

Well, till next time (which hopefully will be sooner than 4 months from now ;o)
God's love and blessings!

PS. Did you notice the new name and header? Keeping up with 3 blogs was just too much. I will keep my cake one separate, but I think I will use this one for family updates as well as craft and DIY projects and no longer post to the craft one. Especially since most of the projects are for around our home anyway. I'll post more on the name choice later. ttfn!

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