
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What's In A Name?

Well, lookie here, another evening with all my chores done (yay) and no hubby home (boo). Since he isn't home needing the internet to get school work done, I have a bit of time to chat with you.

You may have noticed in my last post that I decided to change the name of the blog and thought you might like to know why I chose Berried Treasure. You see, we moved into this house in the spring of '09. It was so beautiful out and we have 25 acres, so the kids and I spent many afternoons exploring the woods and taking lots of pictures. Most evenings we spent telling hubby about all the neat things we discovered and it got to a point where he was asking us what new "treasures" we'd found that day.

There were lots of flowers,

some trash,

a few odd things,

but the things that got me the most excited were the berries. As the summer went on we kept discovering new areas of berries growing. We found raspberries, black caps, blackberries, wild strawberries and even some wild grapes.

And so, Berried Treasure is in honor of all the fun things this property holds for us.

What about the part about living in an "upside down house"? I'll guess you'll have to wait till next time to hear about that. :o) 

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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