
Saturday, October 12, 2013

April and May Montage

Well, hello there. It's me again. You know, the long lost blogger who isn't so great at blogging. I could give you lots of reasons why I haven't blogged in so long, many of which I've given before...busy life, slow internet, etc. The main reason though is because blogger wouldn't let me. Honest. I tried and tried for almost a week and I couldn't get any photos to upload, and seriously, what's a post without some photos? Eventually, I gave up and haven't really thought about it in a while.

However, we've had some significant changes here that make this journal a little more important to keep up with. The main one being that one of our birdies has flown the nest. :o( She didn't just fly to a nearby tree, no, she up and married herself a military bird and flew to the other side of the US. This mommy bird is very sad, but very happy for her and her new life too. Let's change the subject, shall we, before the faucets on my eyes start leaking again.

Anyway, as I look back through my photos, I realize there is no way to update in detail, so I'm going to give you a couple of photo montages to help speed things up a bit. Here's the first two months:

1. It looked like spring was finally coming. The snow was melting and the creek was starting to flow. (4/4)
2. Had to include this one again, just LOVE that outfit. :o) (4/8)
3. Spring? Who said spring was coming? How about a couple more inches of snow instead? (4/12)
4. Yep, more snow. (4/14)
5. Oh, looks like it's melting again.(4/17)
6. So, yeah, I had several "firsts" on my birthday this year...I've never made a snowman on my birthday, or shoveled snow, or almost been snowed in. (4/18)
7. That's what our snowman looked like the next morning! (4/19)
8. Trying to find fun things to do inside. (4/19)
9. Thought we'd help the squirrels out by hiding some peanuts in the trees for them. Had to get them up high so our dogs didn't find them. :o) (4/22)
10. Could that be? Looks like spring is coming after all. (4/22)
11. SERIOUSLY?!? More snow!?! (4/23)
12. Ah, that's what spring is supposed to look like. (4/28)

One day I don't have a photo for is April 1. Our daughter Angel flew out to CA to marry her military man, Tyler Brooks. It's a long, complicated story, but she didn't move out to CA right away. She has a couple of photos from the day, but I don't have copies of them.

1. Um, yeah, more snow. (5/2)
2. Why haven't we thought of this before? Use the snow on the deck and make a snowman to greet people by the door. Love it! She didn't last long though. (5/2)
3. We decided to escape the snow and head to Iowa so my wonderfully smart hubby could walk across stage and get his Master's Degree. Go Mike!!! Doesn't he look handsome, and smart, and handsome? Sorry. (5/5)
4. Well, better late than never. (5/18)
5. Can you believe there was snow on the ground 2 weeks before this? Shorts! Seriously? (5/19)
6. Oops, this should go before #5. Michelle and I flew to CO to help celebrate with several nieces and nephews as they graduated High School. Managed to get a photo with both my parents and all but one sibling. And we're almost all looking at the camera too. :o)
7. Yes, we have to get some school work done, but that doesn't mean your outfits have to be boring. Love the tutu. (5/22)
8. And you thought you had a dandelion problem in your yard! (No, this is not my yard, just a field nearby.) (5/26)

So, that was our April and May in photos. I will try and get June and July done tomorrow. 

Till next time...
God's love and blessings

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