
Monday, October 14, 2013

June, July and August Montage

I'm back. Did you miss me? Here are the next 3 montages for you.September was crazy-busy so it's going to need it's own post, or maybe 5.

1. We enjoyed an afternoon at the lake with some of Mike's coworkers. Michelle was so excited to make a new friend. (6/6)
2. Practicing hand stands. (6/6)
3. This is Layla. She was out stalking some prey in the field. (6/21)
4. Wild Daisies and Indian Paintbrushes in our pasture/field/front yard (we haven't decided on a name for it yet.) (6/21)
5. Daisies are my favorite flower, in case you can't tell. (6/27)
6. This patch was so thick I made Mike mow around it so we had this random patch of flowers growing in the middle of the yard. :o) (6/27)
7. Mike and I built this bed for Michelle's dolls. Found the instructions here. I think it cost us about $20 and about 2 hours of labor. Much better than the $200 or so to buy one. (6/29)
As you can see, we had a pretty laid back June. Actually, I was pretty busy with cakes, but those will some day be posted on my Frosted Memories page so I didn't include them here. 

1. We went to Texas for a nephew's wedding. I'm including this photo because my son is actually in it. That doesn't happen very often. They were cooling off in the jacuzzi. We are so not used to 100+ temps. Thankfully a storm came through and the temps dropped into the 70s for the rest of our visit. :o) We had a wonderful time with Mike's family. Just wish I had some photos of all of us together.(7/14)
2. Have I mentioned my love for daisies?(7/20)
3. Michelle made a fairy house all by herself. I really should have included a photo of the office floor when she was finished. What a mess! She did clean up though. Here's a shot of the furnished rooms. (7/23)
4. She wanted to make sure the fairies felt welcome in their new home. (7/23)
5. Unfortunately, it rained that night. :o( Didn't get any shots of that though. (7/23)
6. It's berry season again. This was our first picking. (7/24)
7. Apparently we had a visitor at the bird feeder. Guess we'll put these away till winter when the bigger "birds" are hibernating. (7/24)
8. "What berry?" (7/29)
9. Had to include this one. I took it after a deer decided to hit us. Seriously, he ran into the back end of our van. We stopped to check out the damage as he jumped off into the woods, and I spotted these gorgeous flowers in the pond. So grateful there was no damage, and I had my camera handy. Gotta thank the buck for stopping us too. OK, that just sounds weird. :o) (7/31)

1. She finally believes me when I tell her she's too big for the fun carts. (8/10)
2. Look what I found while picking berries! They were right at my elbow. Glad I didn't bump their nest. (8/16)
3. Unfortunately my biggest "jackpot" of berries was right by the bird nest. I just thought the mommy bird was yelling at me for stealing her berries. Didn't know her babies were so close. (8/16)
*The last 5 photos were taken at a local petting zoo.
4. This guy's pom pom was cracking us up. (8/17)
5. So cute! (8/17)
6. Be brave, Angel. (8/17)
7. These guys saw the food bags in our hands and made a bee-line for us. (8/17)
8. Lots of cool animals to touch and feed. (8/17)

Woo Hoo! Five months done and I didn't even break a sweat. I have a couple of cakes to work on so I'm not sure I will get the next post up right away, but I'll do my best.

Oh, and I'm also working on a post with a recipe--pictures and all. I posted on Facebook that I had some apple butter in the slow cooker and got a request for the recipe. Thought it might be fun to try and photo the next batch and write it all out, especially since I don't know the technical term for the "apple sauce thingy" and the "apple, corer, peeler, slicer thingy". This way I can have a photo of it and you'll know what I'm talking about. :o)

Well, my Handsome Hubby just got home from a meeting, so I'm going to go see how his day was.

Till next time...
God's love and blessings.

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