
Saturday, January 3, 2015

2014 Year in Review (Part 2)

I'm back! Didn't want to leave you hanging in suspense for too long. ;o) I finished the last post with June, so I'll start off here with July 2014. That makes sense, now doesn't it?

In July, Michelle and I went to our first week of camp. Here we are on the first day. I guarantee we didn't look this chipper on the last day, but we sure had a lot of fun!

As with every other summer since we've been here, I spend a good part of it out picking berries on our property. We didn't have nearly as much as last year, but still enough to make some jam and syrup with. Yum!!

In August I finally got around to a project I'd been wanting to do for several years. Here's a sneak peak of the beginning of it. You'll have to check back in a couple of weeks to see the finished project. I LOVE how it came out.

August was also my handsome hubby's first official day as a teacher. I'm so very proud of him and all the hard work he's done to get here. Had to get a picture of them both on their first day of school.

September is Michelle's birthday, and this year we celebrated her 11th with a MineCraft party. I know I mentioned it in a previous post, but I will tell you all about it in another post. There's too much to share here.

September is the beginning of our fall here and I love to walk up the street to the neighbor's yard and get photos. Those trees remind me of a big quilt.

It was also the month we welcomed a new member into our family. This is Smokey, and if you are friends with me on Facebook you already know how silly this guy is and some of the antics he gets into. Maybe I'll have to do a post on that someday too. ;o)

October was spent enjoying the beautiful fall and working on school work. Yes, we ALL work on school around here.

This was the year for weddings for us. November we traveled down to Texas for our niece's wedding. Mike wasn't able to come, but our son and his bride came along. I'm so glad they did as I recruited Romni to help me with the cake. She was awesome, and Nick was the navigator for me as we transported it through the cities to the venue. His prayers and support definitely helped calm the nerves of this nervous cake decorator.

And now we get to December. This is always a busy month for everyone, but now that handsome hubby is a teacher, we get a week and a half of vacation time in there which is REALLY nice. Michelle even talked him into a sled run or two one afternoon with her.

This is my 6th year doing gingerbread houses for the kids at church. I had my assistant (Michelle) take photos while I worked on them this year so that I can type up a tutorial later, you know, in case you ever feel the need to make 20+ gingerbread houses.

We've enjoyed having Angel and Tyler home for a couple of weeks before they move off to Hawaii this month. Looks like we need to save some money up so we can go visit them next winter. ;o) We've enjoyed decorating cookies, going out to celebrate family birthdays, and making lefse together. Fun (and yummy!) We're sure going to miss them when they go. :o(

All my babies in one place=happy mama. :o)

I will close this here. I so enjoy being able to look back over the year and see the many blessings He has bestowed on us. So grateful for His watch care over us and His amazing provisions. We are truly blessed and never want to take that for granted.

Til next time...
God's love and blessings!

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