
Monday, May 23, 2011

On to November 2010

I have a few extra minutes to sit down and thought I'd update a little more. We got our first snowfall of the season in November of last year. Here's a few shots of it. Mike and I helped Michelle make a snowman. He was quite large, but unfortunately, we built him a little too close to the road, and he was soon buried under more snow from the snow plows.

This was the view from my desk in the office. I love it! I don't think I will ever get tired of the beauty of winter. This is so awesome to see while snuggled up in a sweater and sipping on hot chocolate. Here's our dog Coco packing his own snowballs. :o) The snow was a very wet snow and the poor little guy was soon covered in little snow balls. He wasn't too happy that I made him stay in the laundry room till he melted. You can click on the picture to see it larger. It's quite funny. :o)
Well, I think that's about it for now. I'm not sure I will be able to post any more this week as I will be quite busy trying to finish up school with the girls, and I have a LOT of graduation cakes to do this weekend. I will get on as soon as I can though to update some more from this last year.

Till then...God's love and blessings!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I didn't forget!

I really didn't forget to keep posting on here. I was out of town. I wanted to mention it in the last post, but it was a surprise visit to my Sister for her Son's graduation. The girls and I flew out last Tuesday and spent a week with them. It was such a surprise for my Sister. Only her wonderful Hubby and our Dad knew we were coming out. It was quite funny to see the guys trying to figure out how to pick us up at the airport without Pam finding out about it. :o) We all had a great time while we were there. We were able to go on a field trip to the airport with her class at school, do a lot of shopping, bake cakes (of course), help with the graduation preparations, run a 5K (WOW!), and of course, attend my Nephew's graduation.

Here's a picture of Michelle talking with an astronaut from NASA at the air show. She got lots of souvenirs to bring home with her that day.

Here we all are after the 5K. I still can't believe we did it. Even Michelle ran it and finished with a smile on her face. Of course, we walked quite a bit of it, but we kept on going and didn't give up. I'm very proud of both my girls.

Here's one of the 3 cakes I made while at Pam's house. I think I may need to start stockpiling a second set of cake decorating supplies for my visits there. :o) The cupcakes had little caps made from a Reese's cup, a Ghiradelli chocolate, and a piece of licorice for the tassel. It took me 3 tries to get the caramel right for the caramel buttercream, but it was worth it! I also learned a few lessons about baking at higher altitudes.

Here's Pam's family after the graduation. We are so proud of Cody! Well, Pam, one down and two to go. :o)
The girls and I have been back for a few days, and getting back into the swing of things. It has finally warmed up a bit outside, so we've spent a lot of time outside working in the yard. I've got most of the vegetables in the garden and worked quite a bit on the flower beds. Mike built a lattice screen to help hide our gas tank while we were in CO so my flower bed looks much nicer now. It's so fun to see what plants are coming up.

It was supposed to rain all day today so we started this morning working on inside projects. We've been renovating the main bathroom and this was a good time to get some of it done. We got the new doors on the cabinets and the new exhaust fan installed. I can't wait to finish it all up so I can post some before and after pictures. The sun came out this afternoon, so we headed outside and got some work done out there. I worked on two new flower beds while Mike took apart his car. Unfortunately, he hit a deer the night before we left for CO and damaged the front of his car. He's going to do a lot of the body work himself to help save us some money. I'm so glad I have a handyman hubby! I really put him to work today. :o)

Well, I better close for now. I need to make some graduation cards before tomorrow, and my energy level is quickly dwindling. I will try to get out tomorrow and get some pictures of the flower beds with the tulips all blooming.

Till next time...God's love and blessings.

Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm on a roll!

Wow, two days in a row to remember to update this blog! I should get a prize...maybe some ice cream. Oh, that's right, trying to lose a few more pounds. I guess knowing everyone one is up to date on the Henderson household will have to be a prize enough for me.

I'm afraid I will only be able to put October of last year up right now as uploading pictures messes up the computer bandwidth and that doesn't make Mike a very happy man while he's playing his games. And since Friday night is one of the few nights he gets to play, I will just wait till later.

October was pretty quiet around here. We enjoyed the fall colors and nice weather. Worked on getting the gardens and house ready for winter. The girls made me take them out on a photo shoot in the yard. Someday I'm going to learn how to use this expensive camera I have to its fullest potential, but for now, I just point and shoot. Here are a few of the pics I took that month.
Tomorrow is Saturday and there is much to do outside if the weather permits. I have some transplanting and general clean up to do in the yard. If it rains, I have plenty to keep me busy inside as well. I've been working on our master bathroom and hope to get it put somewhat back together tomorrow. Anyway, with all there is to do, I hope to still get some time to sit down and get a few more months updated on here. We've been doing a lot of renovating in the house and I would love to show pics. Putting the before and afters on the blog is motivation for me to complete the whole job in a timely manner rather than leaving bits and pieces of it for later to do. Not that I've ever done anything like that before...(yeah right).

Well, till tomorrow then...
God's love and blessings.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Starting over

So, apparently, blogging is not my thing. Another month and it will be a year since the last time I posted. Oops! Oh well. I guess this is as good a time as any to start up again. For those family and friends out there who are interested, here's a month by month update of our last year.

This turned out to be a very wet year here which, after several dry years, was very welcome, especially by the farmers. We spent most of July outside playing in puddles and working in the garden.

I took a trip to Colorado in August to help my sister through a difficult time as her Mother-in-law passed away. Although I didn't like the reason, I was grateful to be able to go and help her when she needed me. I also managed to talk her into coming home with me for a short visit. I have tons of pictures from these visits, but here are a few of my favorites.

Me with my Sister's kids.
My nephew, Tyler showing off a frog he found.One night during my Sister's visit, we had a pretty good storm. Here's our little stream the next morning!After the creek died down a bit, Pam and the girls had fun exploring it and looking for buried treasure.
The one thing my Sister needed while she visited was a chance to relax and forget about all the stress of life for a bit. It looks like we were able to provide that for her. :o)

We celebrated Michelle's 7th birthday this month, and some friends of ours came from NC to visit for a few days. Over the last few months, Michelle had started losing teeth, and by this month, she had 5 teeth missing! Even as of this posting (May 2011), she still has two of those teeth that haven't come in yet.

It was pretty much impossible to get a straight face from these three, so we figured we'd just go with the flow on this one.
Well, it's getting late so I will post a few more months tomorrow. This blog was supposed to be a way to keep our friends and family up to date on things going on here, and now with Nick so far away, I really should try and keep it updated.

Anyway, till tomorrow then...
God's love and blessings.