
Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm on a roll!

Wow, two days in a row to remember to update this blog! I should get a prize...maybe some ice cream. Oh, that's right, trying to lose a few more pounds. I guess knowing everyone one is up to date on the Henderson household will have to be a prize enough for me.

I'm afraid I will only be able to put October of last year up right now as uploading pictures messes up the computer bandwidth and that doesn't make Mike a very happy man while he's playing his games. And since Friday night is one of the few nights he gets to play, I will just wait till later.

October was pretty quiet around here. We enjoyed the fall colors and nice weather. Worked on getting the gardens and house ready for winter. The girls made me take them out on a photo shoot in the yard. Someday I'm going to learn how to use this expensive camera I have to its fullest potential, but for now, I just point and shoot. Here are a few of the pics I took that month.
Tomorrow is Saturday and there is much to do outside if the weather permits. I have some transplanting and general clean up to do in the yard. If it rains, I have plenty to keep me busy inside as well. I've been working on our master bathroom and hope to get it put somewhat back together tomorrow. Anyway, with all there is to do, I hope to still get some time to sit down and get a few more months updated on here. We've been doing a lot of renovating in the house and I would love to show pics. Putting the before and afters on the blog is motivation for me to complete the whole job in a timely manner rather than leaving bits and pieces of it for later to do. Not that I've ever done anything like that before...(yeah right).

Well, till tomorrow then...
God's love and blessings.

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