
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January Randomness

Hello there!

Yes, this is going to be a very random post, but then, this is a blog about our life, and life is pretty random. :o)

It's been very cold here. Of course, it's winter, so you kind of expect that, but I didn't expect this. That's COLD!!

Our youngest has been very into Minecraft lately and thoroughly enjoys playing along with her friend who lives in Maine. They set up their Ipads to Facetime each other while they play the game together. Ah, the wonders of technology. I seriously think I need to set up a scrap-booking/crafting Facetime with my friend who lives in Maine. :o) Anyway, our eldest also likes playing Minecraft, (actually, he's been playing it for a LONG time) and often I can hear the two of them calling out to each other from different rooms about things they've made or found. Not wanting to be left out, My Handsome Hubby decided he wanted to learn. I couldn't resist catching a few pictures of Michelle teaching her Daddy to play. I have to say, though, I have a hard time looking at this photo and not seeing all the "stuff" on my daughter's desk. Wow, just wow, but then I guess it helps you know who the window above belongs to too. :o)

Speaking of scrap-booking (I know that was a couple of sentences ago, but remember, this is random), I did get a little scrappin' done. Only a couple of pages, but it's more than I've done in a couple of months, and as you can tell by the photo above of our youngest and the photo of her below, I'm just a wee bit behind. (Yes, she's the one eating ice cream;o) I do have a monthly date now with one of my more local friends to get together and scrapbook, so hopefully that will give me some drive and I will make some progress in the books.

Another bit of randomness is this photo I took of my little seamstress. She decided to fix a tear in one of her dress-up dresses. I love the look of concentration, just wish I was better at taking the picture. I need to check the settings on my camera. For some reason I've noticed that whenever I put it on manual, the photo is super grainy. I think it's the ISO setting, but unfortunately, camera lingo never seems to process in my brain properly. Also I have a hard time telling what the photo looks like on the camera screen. I have to wait till I get it loaded on the computer, and by then the moment is gone. 

One last thing, I thought I'd give you an update on my non-resolution for this year. If you remember this post, I mentioned that I didn't make any specific resolutions, but I have decided that I want to get to know my Lord better and that I was going to make a concentrated effort to spend time in His Word each day trying to really listen and learn from Him rather than just checking another thing off my to-do list. I thought I might share with you what I'm doing, in case it might help someone else. I'm not following any type of Bible study or reading plan. I decided to start in Philippians because it's one of my favorite books, and I've just been reading it a bit at a time. I do use the Blue Letter Bible site for references and commentaries. I am keeping a journal of notes of things that stand out to me since I don't have near enough room in the margins of my Bible to write it all in. When I'm done, I ask myself 3 questions:

*What does this mean?
*Where do I see Jesus/God (for example, what attribute do I see)?
*What do I need to do/change?

I just finished Philippians and it has been amazing. I felt like a treasure hunter finding little gold nuggets that I didn't know were there before. For instance, Philippians 4:5 says "Let your moderation be known to all men. The Lord is at hand." This is from one of the commentaries I read:

a. Let your gentleness be known: Paul used an interesting ancient Greek word (epieikeia) that is translated gentleness here. Other translations of the Bible translate epieikeia as patience, softness, the patient mind, modesty, forbearance, the forbearing spirit, or magnanimity.
iii. This word describes the heart of a person who will let the Lord fight his battles. They know that vengeance is Mine, says the Lord (Romans 12:19). It describes a person who is really free to let go of His anxieties and all the things that cause him stress, because he knows that the Lord will take up his cause.  (Blue Letter Bible)

Wow! I knew the verse taught me to be gentle, but I never understood the reason why. That's the kind of moderate, gentle person I'd like to be--free to let go of my anxieties. Not because there's no stress in my life, but because I am confident in my Lord and knowing that He will take care of them. I promise to share more golden nuggets with you in future posts.

I guess this is probably long and random enough. I should close here. 

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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