
Monday, June 26, 2017

July 2016--Part 1

Hello there! Yes, I am back again. I was hoping to update with a couple months at a time, but I don't think that's going to work. Looks like July may need a post all by itself or possibly 2 posts. I forgot how much fun we had last year. :o)

For the last several years we've had friends over for a BBQ and fireworks on the fourth. It seems our fireworks display gets a little longer each year. Fun, food, friends and fireworks!

The "launching station"--far from the house and vehicles. :o)

July is when the raspberries and black caps start getting ready to pick. This year was a pretty good one. Actually, it was the best one I've had since we moved here. I ended up with 13 gallons of berries in the freezer by the end of the summer. These are black caps, lots of lots of black caps. I believe they are also called black raspberries.

When I go out to pick, the animals usually follow. Layla, the black dog in the front, stays with me the whole time. Coco generally heads back to the house a couple minutes after we start out. He's not one for picking berries.

Yes, even Mittens the cat follows me out there. I often find him hanging out in a patch just ahead of where I'm picking. 

Michelle and I went to church camp again this year. It's a super fun week filled with lots of activities and time spent learning God's Word. Can't beat that. Here Michelle is studying her memory verses for the week hoping to "quiz out" and get lots of points for our cabin. The best part is she is hiding God's Word in her heart. 💖

Well, since this is already long, I think I will end here and finish up the month on my next post.

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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