
Sunday, September 16, 2012

August catch-up

Well, hello there. Did you miss me? I'm sure you have been on pins and needles wondering what's been going on over here at the Henderson household. :o) You'll be happy to know that nothing dire has happened, just busy, busy, enjoy the summer, make lots of cakes kind of busy. Since I haven't kept up with my Photo-A-Day project, I will simply give you an overview of life around here, and since I'm WAY behind, I'll break it up into a couple of posts. Today's post--August.

Well, our little caterpillar emerged from her chrysalis, and she was quite beautiful. Unfortunately, I assumed she would be like the monarch we had a couple of years ago, and hang around quite a while drying her wings and gaining strength. Wrong. I took her outside to get better pictures in the sunlight (and not show off how messy our office space is), and she immediately flew off. This was all I was able to get. :o( Take my word for it, she was gorgeous! God's creation never ceases to amaze me.
Michelle and I play games together at lunch time. After lunch (while I worked on cakes), she found another use for our Quirkle tiles.
Apparently we have a raccoon (or two) living in our pole shed. Whenever we go over, we find a new hole dug under the big door. It might also explain what happened to all the apples on the tree this year. There were 40 or 50 of them growing early this spring, and when we went to go pick, there was one left. Not a sign of the others anywhere.
 Princess Layla trying to wake the sleeping princess. I think you're supposed to kiss her cheek, Layla, not her hand.
 This is what happens when you have to spend an entire week in the kitchen working on cakes and don't get out to the garden. Looks like it's time to do some canning and freezing.
 Some of the trees were starting to turn already. Unfortunately now, many of them are simply turning brown due to the lack of moisture this summer.
 Our church has an annual picnic near the end of summer. This year turned out to be warm enough for the kids to enjoy the lake a bit. She's getting braver in the water. 
Well, I'm going to close here. Hopefully I will get a chance to sit down tomorrow and get you caught up on September's activities.

Till next time...
God's love and blessings.

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