
Saturday, September 29, 2012

The rest of our September so far...

I'm sorry if I bored you with the minute by minute replay of Michelle's birthday party. It's just that this blog is kind of a family journal, and I enjoy going back and rereading the things we did in the past and maybe someday my kids will too. So, if I get a chance to blog when the activity is still fresh in my mind, I'm apt to put more details into it. ;o)

Anyway, here's a couple of pictures from some of the other activities we've been up to this month. Mike and I took Michelle miniature golfing one weekend. It was on our "To-Do" list for the summer, and thankfully it was really nice out that weekend.

Michelle got a hole-in-one and was just a little excited. ;o) I got one too, but Mike ended up beating us anyway.
This is the "hole-in-one" stance.
The course we went to is very well taken care of and quite pretty, so while we waited our turn for a hole, Michelle took a couple of pictures of Mike and I with the pretty waterfall in the background.
I thought these pictures were too funny not to share. Angel bought Michelle a soap making kit for her birthday. The soap is like clay and you can sculpt with it, but it also had a VERY strong smell. This is what I found when I came downstairs. She was working diligently on her little soap "cupcake" with one of her scarves wrapped around her nose to keep out the smell. No, she doesn't wear glasses. Those are a pair of reading glasses with the lenses popped out. She wears them ALL the time, apparently they help her focus more. 

Cute soapy cupcake. Love the cherry on top. :o)
A couple other things for this month. We started our home school year, and one afternoon, since we had some errands to run in town, we decided to take our history reading and lunch down to the lake. This little guy was on my windshield when we arrived. (Please take no notice of the extremely dirty windshield.) Not sure how he managed to stay on the whole way, but glad to drop him off in his new home by the lake.
 This is a much nicer view than the four walls of our office.
Michelle also started swim lessons on Saturday mornings, and although I'm not allowed to take photos during the lessons, I did snap this one of the three amigos enjoying lunch together after their first one. I really need to shoot more photos to ensure I get a good one.
And, last but not least, I have to put this one on here simply because I seldom ever get photos of Angel since she's rarely ever home. She was a model this day for one of the girls at school and she was all "dolled up". Only a couple more weeks and she will be graduated from cosmetology school. I'm sure she will be glad not to have to commute back and forth anymore.
 Well, I think that gets me all caught up for this month. Yay! As I mentioned before, it is fun to go back and look at the things we've done. I guess we were busier than I thought.

I'm going to do my best to get back into the Photo-a-Day journal and posting each day. Sometimes it seemed to help me be a little more focused on what we were actually doing each day. Often times I find that as I'm getting older, the time slips by faster. I wake up Sunday morning and wonder what happened to the week before. I wonder if I've made any memories that are worth remembering. God has only blessed me with a limited amount of time here on earth. I hope to make it time well spent. :o)

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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