
Sunday, June 24, 2012

PAD 6/24/12

Today is Sunday which, of course, means we get to spend the morning in church fellowshiping with other believers and worshiping the Lord. It was unusually quiet this morning as several of our families were on vacation and our Associate Pastor and most of our youth were assisting another church with their VBS. It was still a wonderful time at church, and in this evening's service, 3 of the ladies sang a special for us that I had never heard before. I don't remember the name, but the message was that we often take the brush from God and try to paint our own pictures of our lives, which never comes out quite right, but when we are willing to give the brush to God and let Him do the painting--oh what a masterpiece! I pray that this week, I will let God do the painting. :o)

It was a beautiful day here. I spent a little time in the garden picking strawberries and Mike worked on his school assignment. We had burgers on the grill for dinner and even had time to roast a marshmallow or two. :o)

Here's the pictures I think I mentioned before of the daisies. This first one I took out in our pasture.

This one was taken by one of my flower beds. We did put some compost and peat moss in the garden when we first tilled it under, and I've sprayed Miracle Gro on here twice this year. That's it. I don't know any other reason why they would get so tall. They don't look that great from this angle. They had gotten so long and bushy they were laying on the grass outside the garden and Mike couldn't mow or trim around it so I put up some extra white fencing we had to hold them up out of the way. Now they look all squished up on this side. Oh well. Maybe I should have taken the photo from the other side.

Michelle and I decided that each night, after prayers, I would check her room and give her a sticker on her calendar if it was all clean. She, in turn, would check my kitchen and give me a sticker on the kitchen calendar if it was all clean. Now we have to decide on some special prizes and figure out how many stickers will be needed to get the prizes. Right now though, I need to go make sure the dessert dishes were taken care of so I can get my sticker. :o)

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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