So, what have we been up to? Right now, Michelle is enjoying a sleepover with two of her friends. They're in the room watching Strawberry Shortcake and munching on popcorn. :o) I'll see if I can sneak in there a little later and get some pictures of them. She has spent most of her summer playing with her toys and "flying" on her zipline. I think we're going to start school up at the beginning of September, so she still has a couple of weeks left of freedom. She made us laugh yesterday when she said she was so excited that it was almost Saturday because she gets to sleep in on Saturday. She sleeps in EVERY day. :o)
Angel just got a job at Subway here in Frederic. Mike got her a scooter at the beginning of summer which we thought would be perfect for her to ride back and forth to work. It's only 2 1/2 miles from here and she can go through the housing neighborhoods when she gets off at night instead of taking the main road. Her first night at work, she called us to say she was hiding at a nearby church waiting for a bear to leave the road! Good thinking 'cause that scooter would not be able to outrun a bear. A truck went by a minute or so later and she was able to make it home safe and sound. Living here is never dull!
As far as I know, Nick is doing well in the Air Force. He is currently in Oklahoma and he was just promoted to Airman First Class. :o) We are so proud of him.
Mike recently went to Osh Kosh with a few of the guys from church for an airshow. Other than getting rained on the first day, I think they had a really good time. Here are a few of the pictures he brought home with him.
I'm so proud of him. I didn't even have to remind him to make sure he was IN some of the pictures! (By the way, I have no idea what kind of plane that is, Mike will have to comment on this to let us know.)
There were two crashes while they were there and thankfully, no one was injured. I believe this was the first one. I think Mike said the plane came in too fast and ended up going off the end of the runway where his landing gear collapsed on him. You can see the pilot getting out of the cockpit here. I guess the guys were pretty close when this one happened.
Woo hoo, look another one with my handsome man in it! :o) (Yep, still don't know what kind of plane he's in front of.)
I've been to a lot of airshows in my life, but you can tell that this trip was all guys. We never wiggled our way up this close to the show itself when we went. I know I have a good lens on the camera, but you can see the pilots in these planes! That's pretty close, and I imagine it was REALLY loud! Yep, boys and their toys. :o)
As for me, I've been busy with the usual things, housework, gardening, picking berries (I will post more on that next week) and fun, crafty stuff, but I've also been busy making cakes. I seem to have at least one to do each week, and I love that most of the time I get to try out new techniques and designs. I've been doing so many, and getting so many requests, that Mike and I are looking into the idea of starting an official bakery. I'm excited, nervous, happy and scared all at the same time. I really would LOVE to make my hobby an official business, but our government does not make this easy. Right now I'm in the middle of reading hundreds of pages of the Wisconsin Food Code to figure out exactly what we have to do for this. We already have a building on our property that we could use. It has a room that's insulated, heated and air conditioned. However, it has no plumbing and only a sub-floor. We would have to make sure the well is good, put in a septic system, a bathroom and the floor. Then, of course, we would need ovens, fridge, and all the other equipment. I have two main concerns about doing this-time and money. It's going to take money to get it going, but I'm also worried about how much time it will take . I'm already pretty busy with my "hobby" and I've never advertised anything-it's all word-of-mouth. I want to be able to make enough to pay any bills the business may have, but I don't want it to take away from my responsibilities as a wife and mom. I will definitely need to learn to say "no" when needed.
Well, I guess that about does it for us. Next week I will have to remember to get some pictures of us to post on here. Let me know if you can think of a topic idea for Tuesday. I guess I better go see if those girls are planning on getting any sleep tonight.
Enjoy your weekend!
God's love and blessings
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing Tammy!:) Great pictures. Our Mike had so much fun with YOUR Mike.
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