
Monday, August 15, 2011

Tasty Tuesday-A Passion for Baking

I came up with a topic for Tuesdays-Tasty Tuesday. Sounds like a great place for me to share fun recipes that we've had over the years. Unfortunately, because of copyright laws, today I can't share a recipe with you, but I will show you where to get it.

The girls and I love to go to the library, there's always something fun to read. I, personally, never head to the "fiction" section, but straight to the "how-to" section. Cook books, gardening, crafts, those are the books I like to read. On our last visit I found a new baking book. I was looking for new cake flavors to try and this one looked promising.

a passion for Baking
by Marcy Goldman

This is one of those library books that I may have to go out and purchase for myself. It has some wonderfully yummy looking recipes in it that I can't wait to try, but this is not an ordinary cook book. The first chapter, Baking Secrets, is full of tips and hints to wonderful baking. I consider myself an experienced baker so I almost skipped over this chapter completely, but some of the pictures and subtitles drew me in and I decided it was worth a thorough reading. Wow! I've learned quite a lot in that one chapter. Then, Marcy adds lots of tidbits of information with each of the recipes to help you customize the recipe for your own. I am now in the process of reading this cook book from cover to cover.

Since I have a LOT of blackberries right now, I decided to try the Fresh Blackberry Streusel-Topped Muffins last Saturday. They were delicious! Most of the muffin recipes I've tried end up kind of dry-especially any left-overs, but these were quite moist, with a wonderful, crunchy topping. I just finished off the last one with my lunch today and it was still moist and delicious. :o)

So, my advice is head on over to your nearest library and see if they have this book. If you're looking at any of the libraries near us, they probably don't because I have it. I promise to finish it soon and get it turned in on time. :o) They do have it on Amazon for sale, and I noticed that Marcy has her own website and blog where you can get some of her recipes for free. I think this book would be a great gift for a new bride or someone going off to college (that has access to an oven). As I mentioned before, even with 20+ years of baking under my belt (does it show?) I've really learned quite a lot from this book. Come to think of it, it would make a great anniversary gift for a certain someone later on this month (hint, hint, Honey ;o).

So what new recipes have you tried lately? I'd love to hear from you.

God's love and blessings

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