
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wednesday's Walk

So what have we seen outside this week? Blackberries, baskets and baskets of blackberries! When we moved here, one of the things I was quite excited about was the raspberry canes I found near one of the buildings. As it turned out, there are raspberry, blackberry, and black cap canes all over our property. The first year we were here the girls and I explored around and began picking and freezing whatever we could. I learned to make jam and syrup and other yummy desserts with them.

This year we didn't get very many raspberries. Most of the those canes we have are near the creek and last year's rains overflowed the creek and knocked a lot of them down. There are new ones growing this year, but they are biennial, which means they grow one year and produce fruit the next. So, Lord willing, next year we will have more raspberries.

The blackberries, on the other hand, have more than made up for the lack of raspberries. Last year I filled 2 gallon ziplock bags with all three types of berries. So far this year, I have 4 bags filled in the freezer and there is still another week or more of picking to do! Yum!

Here I am in my berry picking gear. (Can you believe I actually got in front of the camera?! Well, sort of.) I will probably soon be known around here as "the Hat Lady" as I seldom go out in the yard without it. It helps keep the sun out of my eyes, but more than that, it keeps the bugs from bugging me. Sure, they still fly all around me, but unless they are right in front of my face, I don't notice them, so I can spend more time picking berries than swatting bugs.

Look closely at the underside of this leaf. This is one way to tell the difference between a blackberry and other cane bushes. Blackberries have thorns all the way up the leaves, and they're backwards. This means that often times you reach in to pick a berry without any problem, but then you find yourself stuck in the bush. This is also why I have on boots, a long sleeve shirt, and a glove on my left hand. Those things hurt!

Here's a couple of shots of the berries. I go out each morning and pick until my basket is full and then I try to quit and resume where I left off the next day, but it's so hard to quit when I lift my head and see more berries just a step or two away. It's like a treasure hunt-"berried" treasure. :o) I have been especially grateful this last week of picking for the cooler weather we've had. It makes picking the berries much more enjoyable.

Well, I guess I better close here. I brought the girl's school books for this year in from the garage and need to spend some time sorting through and planning our year. How about you? Have you had an opportunity to get out and enjoy the summer? I hope so.

God's love and blessings.

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