
Monday, August 29, 2011

Misc. Monday-New Roof

Wow, I'm going on three weeks in a row of consistent blogging. Yay me! Although we will be starting school up next week, so my consistency will probably take a nose dive then.

A week or so ago we realized that the summer was quickly getting away from us and there were still several projects on our to-do list that really need to get done before winter hits. The most important of which was the new roof. So, last weekend we tackled that. Viktor, one of the teens from church, came over along with Angel's boyfriend, Tyler. We are SOOO grateful for their help.

I got this shot of the shingles while Mike was cleaning things up and getting ready. They aren't in too bad a shape, but they are definitely starting to show some wear and tear.

My silly husband is holding up the moon!

Once everything was cleaned up on the roof, a roll of paper was nailed down over the shingles. This is so the asphalt on the shingles doesn't rub the metal and cause it to rust.

We had all of our supplies stored in the building across the creek, so Angel and Tyler had to carry them over to us one-by-one.

Thankfully we have a deck on the second floor, so we were able to hand the metal sheets up to the roof from there.

Once the trim was put up, each sheet just needed to be screwed down. Once we got the hang of it, it went pretty quick. We finished just in time--about 30 minutes before the rain started!

Here it is all finished. Boy, this makes it look easy and quick! Actually, it really wasn't that difficult. The store provided us with a manual that wasn't too technical to figure out, but there was a lot of going up and down stairs, lifting, and kneeling, which Mike and I were both feeling the next day.

We can check that project off the list! Now, with a metal roof, we won't have to shovel the snow off of it, and we shouldn't get any ice dams. YAY! Now I'm off to finish the next project on the list-painting the laundry room. :o)

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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