
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

PAD 5/1/12

OK, so here's the surprise pictures I promised yesterday. Angel needed a model for class, and I needed a new "do". So what do you think?

This is how long it was before. It was getting to be a bit of work, and it was ALWAYS getting caught in the weirdest window, seat belt, purse strap. When it started getting in my waistband I knew it was time for a cut.

There's another couple of inches hiding behind the chair back.

We decided to donate the hair to locks of love, so Angel banded it first--she probably should have done a few more bands, her shears were really working to get through those.

Here's an after of Angel working on it. I can't believe I spent several hours with Angel and I didn't get any pictures of her, although you can see her arm in this one and her reflection in the one above. :o)

Michelle took this photo of me when we got home. I have some bangs that I'm going to try and grow out, which explains the long one in my face.

This one we took today. I really like the new "do". I haven't had time to play with different styles with it yet. Here I just slid on a headband to help hold the longer bangs out of my face. No curling, no spraying, just brush and go. I like that!

I took a whole bunch of pictures today of Michelle and the dogs playing in the creek, but I don't have time to post them now. It's time for bed. I'll try and post first thing tomorrow.

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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