
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

PAD 4/28/12-4/30/12


Saturday morning, Mike taught a Bicycle Maintenance Workshop for the home school families in the area. We had several families here with their bikes tuning them up for the summer. I can't believe I didn't get the camera out. :o( It's not often I get to get pictures of Mike, but I missed the chance. He even had time later in the afternoon to do some yard work and mow the grass for the first time this year. Missed that too. :o(

Since I cleaned the house prior to the workshop, and didn't have any cakes to do, I was free to play in the craft room. (Insert HUGE grin here!) Here's what I made...

I realized on Tuesday I had been so busy planning decorations and cakes for the double baby shower, I completely forgot gifts! So I made these and brought them to church on Sunday. Both mommies loved them.


Sunday was spent at church and a quick trip into town to do some grocery shopping. I didn't take any family photos, but here's a snapshot of my garden at the beginning of the month and right now. We put fresh mulch down a couple weeks ago which makes a huge difference.


Yep, another garden picture. These flowers don't last long so I like to get pictures of them. I love the colors in these. Angel was home for the weekend, but I forgot to get some pictures of her. Maybe next time she's home I will have to drag her outside so I can get some pictures.

Well, I have a surprise for today's picture, but it's kind of a two-part photo and I need to take the second part. I'll take it tomorrow when there's better lighting.

Till next time...

God's love and blessings!

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