
Friday, May 25, 2012

PAD 5/24/12-5/25/12

I was on a roll, and now I missed a day, but I really do have a good excuse this time. I was working on some cake projects just before I was going to log on and post my update when my daughter called, a couple minutes after that my hubby called! By the time we got off the phone, it was time for bed. Sorry journal, family definitely comes before posting. So, without further ado, here's my post for yesterday and today.


It started raining Wednesday night, and didn't quit until late Thursday evening. My rain gauge measured 5 inches! We watched the creek throughout the day as it started rising. Here it is at it's highest point. It overflowed its banks, but not too bad. Michelle and I pretty much stayed inside working on school work, house work, and cupcakes for the recital. It stopped raining just before we had to leave. :o)

Michelle did a great job at her recital. I would try and post the video I got, but blogger wouldn't let me last time, and I'm too tired to try it now. Maybe later.


Here's the creek this morning. Back in its own bed again. :o) Michelle played in it for a bit, but she spent most of the day cleaning up her room. We're hoping to go through and put some things in a yard sale so we can better organize her room. She has WAY too much stuff! I don't know that I will have time to go through it with her this week, but she can clean it up, put things away, and go through some of it without me. I'm hoping to go through my craft stuff too and get rid of some of the stamp sets I never use.

I spent the majority of the day on a graduation cake. I can't wait to post pictures! It's for a young man who is going on to attend college in the hopes of being a missionary. I hope he enjoys the cake. He wanted a mocha-espresso cake. Now, I don't like coffee. Ever since I was seven and was burned by a pot of it that fell on me, I've never liked the stuff, however, that dark chocolate mocha buttercream smells (and tastes) DELICIOUS! I'm thinking that is one recipe I should never have discovered. Not good for my waistline, not good at all.

I did get to take a nice break this afternoon and chat with Angel on the porch after she got home for the weekend. :o) I love hearing about her time at school, and it was such a nice day to sit outside and chat.

I will leave you with this photo. Michelle learned how to make jello yesterday, and this was a shot of got of her sneaking some before lunch. Love that she's wearing my grandmother's frames.

Well, tomorrow will be a long day in the kitchen for me so I am going to close here and go get some sleep. 

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