
Sunday, May 20, 2012

PAD 5/19/12-5/20/12

It's 11:30 Sunday night and I am on alarm clock duty. Mike is leaving tonight for Washington DC as one of the chaperones for the 8th grade trip. He's all packed and ready to go and thought it would be a good idea to get a little nap in before he has to leave at 12:30 a.m. My job is to make sure he gets up on time. Michelle wanted to stay up till daddy left, but that didn't happen. They're both upstairs sleeping, the house is quiet, so this is the perfect time to update the journal.


Saturday turned out to be our hottest day so far (yes, we turned the AC on), so Mike spent most of the day getting some of the many outdoor "honey-do" projects checked off his list. One of them was to install this...

This is next to the garage and right in the flower bed. Our area went through several very dry years recently, so every time I water the flowers I find myself worrying about the well going dry. Digging a new well is expensive, and not something we want to do any time soon. This way, we can save the rain water and use it when it's needed. We had no idea how much water actually comes off a roof. We got the rain barrel in about 2 hours before a thunderstorm hit. My rain gauge said we got an inch of rain. We checked the barrel this morning, it was full, and it was quite obvious that the overflow valve had overflowed quite a bit, and this was just off the garage! Can you imagine if we had one off the house roof? Unfortunately, my veggie garden is quite a ways from the house, and uphill, so I don't think we will be able to use this water up there, but Mike is thinking about building me a tool/potting shed up there and setting one up next to it. If we used lots of old windows it could double as a green house for me. :o)

Speaking of the thunderstorm. It was a good one! Our power went out long before the storm got to us, so we played a little charades and then Michelle and I sat on the floor in front of the storm door and watched the night sky light up while singing Bible songs and enjoying the dropping temperature. That was a fun way to spend the evening and I think it may have helped Michelle not to be too scared of the thunder. She looks forward to storms now, anyway, in the hopes that the power will go out and we can play charades. When Nick and Angel were little, we used to play hide-n-seek in the dark when the power went out 'cause that's what my family did when we were little. That was so much fun, but it's not so much fun when there's only 3 people playing and one of them is scared to hide on her own still, so, we play charades by candlelight.

I also wanted to share these pictures I took Saturday, actually, this first one was taken last year. You may remember this garden we put in the first summer we were here. Mike built it from fallen branches on our property.

Well, this spring the top cross piece on the right broke in half. While we were working outside, I noticed that the notch Mike had put in the upright was quite a bit larger than he made it so I took a closer look.

Look what was inside! It's hard to tell, but I believe that is a chickadee. If you click on the picture you can see it a bit larger. You can make out her eye and beak. I don't think her eggs are hatched yet, but I promise to keep checking on them and try and get pictures if I can. Next time I'll try and manual focus a little better and not use the flash, if possible.


Well, today is Sunday, so we went to church, of course. We had to leave a couple minutes early so Mike could get home, change into his uniform and head off to the school to help with the color guard for their graduation ceremony. The minute he walked out the door, it started pouring again. Boy I was wishing we had another rain barrel hooked up. :o) Did I mention the temperature drop? Yesterday we almost hit 90, and today we didn't even make it to 60. I'm learning to be prepared for any kind of weather here at any time of year.

Anyway, I took these photos this evening. Here's his stuff all packed and ready to go. They are going to be touring the DC area. Their itinerary looks pretty impressive, and  I'm sure they're going to have lots of fun. I'm looking forward to mac-n-cheese and pizza for dinner all week. Just kidding...maybe.

And, here's my little sleepy head, and her companion, trying to stay up till daddy leaves. I guess it's time for me to go wake her up to say "good-by" to daddy. She's going to be quite sad. :o( Me too. :o( But, I know he will have a great time, he is in God's hands, (which are far more capable than mine), and we will spend the week trying to get our school work wrapped up for the year, (along with a couple of cake projects).

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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