
Monday, May 28, 2012

PAD 5/27/12-5/28/12

Warning! This is going to be a long post. A lot has happened in the last two days and I have lots of photos to show.


Sunday our church had a High School Graduation Ceremony for the home school students in our church. It was a very touching ceremony and a little bittersweet. Angel was a senior this year, but chose to graduate early so she could begin her schooling as a cosmetologist in January. Because December is already such a crazy month, we didn't do anything special for her then. She was just done with school here and then went off to school in the cities. She was asked to be a part of yesterday's ceremony, but since she'd already been out of school for a while, she felt a little odd about it and then we weren't sure that Mike would make it home in time, so we decided not to. Part way through the ceremony I think we both realized what we were missing. As our Pastor's wife mentioned to me today, it's good to have that closure and to celebrate her accomplishments. We were already planning on having an open house in October when she finishes her cosmetology schooling, but now I think we will have to plan some sort of a presentation for her during it as well. It will be a good time for Mike and I to really express to Angel how proud we are of her. And then, silly me, I didn't get a picture of the cake I did for the open house afterward. I'm sure I can get a copy from one of the 50 or so people there that were taking pictures though.

After the ceremony, we came home to find Daddy home! YAY!!! Boy did we miss him while he was gone. I was exhausted from the day so he took off to pick up some Subway for dinner for us. While he was gone a storm started up. He made it home just before the hail began. That was just the beginning. It hailed for close to 30 minutes. We got 5 inches of rain here in less than 2 hours! There was a total of 8 inches for the night. Needless to say, our sleepy little creek wasn't so sleepy last night. In fact she climbed right out of her bed and tried to climb into ours. :o) I am SO grateful that Mike was home during this storm. I would not have known what to do. First, he realized how quickly the water was rising and moved the swing set up out of the way so it wouldn't be swept into the culvert and cause more flooding. Then he realized we needed to move the vehicles to the other side of the creek or we may have found ourselves stranded. He was right. Quite a bit of our driveway was washed away and definitely not safe to drive on. The creek was about 8 feet from our patio at its highest point. So glad it decided to start going down at that point!

Yes, I was crazy enough to be out there with my camera taking pictures. It was hard to get good pictures while trying to keep the camera dry, but here's some of the better ones I got.

Hail sounds funny on our metal roof. Can you see the creek way at the top?

This was about 3 hours later. That is too close to my house!

We could hear the rocks as they tumbled through the culvert or bounced off the sides of it.

This would have looked really neat if it wasn't our driveway washing away.


Mike and I were up at 5 am to go see the damage done. Not too bad considering what it could have been.

This is the neighbor's driveway and yard. His is gone all the way across, but I couldn't get a picture through the bushes.

Here's the exposed part of our culvert. That's a lot of soil and gravel gone.

The creek has re-diverted itself. It used to run directly under Michelle's feet in this photo. All that sand came from upstream.

Michael also took part in the Memorial Day Presentation, so we took off for that in the morning, headed to Mike's Mom's afterwards for a bit, and then into town to get some shopping done. Completely forgot until our way home that we were going to have to haul the groceries from across the creek. My smart hubby thought about grabbing the wheel barrel. Much easier.

That's my Marine!
Michelle always stops in to say hi to Cody when we visit Grandma.

We got to meet Robin and Willie, Carole's new pets.

That's about it for our exciting adventures this weekend. I'm going on about 5 hours of sleep right now and we did a lot of walking today, so I am about to collapse.

Till next time...
God's love and blessings!

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